Black Strand

Yesterday by using the nice weather I decided to take a walk to the Blackstrand. The name comes probably  from the presence of black stones and dark seaweed on the beach. It is great place to look for treasures washed up by the sea. Strand is extremely plentiful and rich with sea treasures. From yesterday has become my favorite place to search. It is quite inconspicuous, but when is low tide,you can discover incredibly much space, even haven't noticed that I spent there two hours! I heard also that this is a good place to collect the blue mussels.

Yesterday, my search was limited to a few sticks of driftwood and some seashells.


To my great surprise, it turned out I found also a real horseshoe! Of course I'll have to work on it and I cleaned up but I hope it's a good sign!

People always belived that horseshoe has a special power, like a talisman or amulet which is  attracted to our success and money, it is a great protection against negative energy. Did you know that the first legend of the positive power of the horseshoe date back to the tenth century!


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